Internationales Kolloquium. Aus dem Ankündigungstext der Veranstalter: «Modern historiography defines imperial cult as various religious manifestations and rituals that served to honour the Roman emperor as well as members of his family. Evidence of this practise can be found in Rome and in the Eastern and Western provinces from the Augustan period onwards, although with varying chronologies and effects. Due to the difficulties in defining this concept and delimiting its forms of expression, the Roman imperial cult has been a subject of long-standing enquiry. Over the last decades, new epigraphic and archaeological evidences have enormously enriched our knowledge. As a result, traditional approaches have been reconsidered and imperial cult is no longer seen as having purely political significance but rather characterized by religious meaning.
In this workshop we will discuss and analyse theoretical as well as practical aspects of the Roman imperial cult, attending to cases in the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa, bringing together new evidence and comparative and transcultural studies into a broader historical perspective. »
Mit Beiträgen u.a. von
– Fernando Lozano (Universidad de Sevilla), The Imperial cult in the Roman World: New approaches and perspectives
– Frédéric Hurlet (Université Paris Nanterre), Vénérer, représenter et célébrer le prince dans la province d’Afrique Proconsulaire sous le Haut-Empire. Bilan des recherches sur le “culte impérial” et nouvelles perspectives
– Francisco Marco Simón (Universidad de Zaragoza), The Establishment of the Imperial Cult in the Hispanic Provinces: Agents, Variants and Contexts
– Valentino Gasparini (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Dear Mr. God… “Augustalization“ and “Aristocratization” of Theonymy in North African Imperial Epigraphy
– Samir Aounallah (Institut National du Patrimoine Tunis), Aspects du culte impérial à Dougga (Tunisie)
13. bis 14. Februar 2025
Organisation: Noelia Cases Mora (RomanIslam Center, Universität Hamburg) – Sabine Panzram (Universität Hamburg)
Veranstaltungsort: Warburg-Haus, Heilwigstr. 116, 20249 Hamburg
Programm: Imperial Cult, Hamburg 02.2025