Internationale Tagung. Aus dem Ankündigungstext der Veranstalter: «The study on Roman sarcophagi has been enriched in the last decades with new contributions on its use and diffusion in the provinces, on the application of color on their reliefs, on types of stone materials and elaboration systems, as well as on the contexts in which they were placed for honor the deceased. In line with these advances, the project HAR2017-84907-P Roman sarcophagi in the Iberian Peninsula. Art-chaeology, archaeometry and conservation / restoration, granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and directed by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, has focused on the sarcophagi of the provincial territory of Hispania, in order to obtain overall conclusions about their use in Roman times and its valorization from Late Antiquity to the present day. (…) With a marked interdisciplinary and transversal orientation, the symposium will promote a forum for debate between experts in various archaeological, historical, philological and scientific specialties, in order to share the study methodologies and strategies that they are applying and promote a broader and more complex knowledge on the three thematic areas that this meeting will tackle:
(1) Roman sarcophagi in the provinces: use, iconography, production
(2) Roman sarcophagi in the provinces: Archaeometry, conservation and restoration
(3) Reuses and valorization of Roman sarcophagi in the provinces throughout their history
This meeting also aims to provide a framework for learning about and disseminating these advances, aimed at both undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students, as well as the public interested in these aspects of our history.»
Mit Beiträgen u.a. von
– Margherita Bonanno (Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata), Sarcofagi di età romana in contesto: vecchi e nuovi ritrovamenti in Grecia
– Markus Trunk (Universität Trier), Die Verwendung römischer Sarkophage im Gebiet der Treverer
– Angela Palmentieri (Università di Napoli Federico II), Contributo allo Studio dei sarcofagi dell’Italia meridionale: un repertorio ragionato sulle vecchie e nuove scoperte
– Montserrat Clavería (Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica Tarragona – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Roman sarcophagi in the Iberian Peninsula. Methodology and conclusions
– Sergio Vidal Álvarez (Museo Arqueológico Nacional Madrid), Early Christian Sarcophagi from Hispania: current status and future perspectives
15. bis 17. September 2022
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Montserrat Clavería (Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica Tarragona – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Prof. Dr. Markus Trunk (Fachbereich III Universität Trier – Toletum)
Veranstaltungsort: Universität Trier, FB III – Klassische Archäologie, Universitätsring 15 / R. N2, 54286 Trier
Programm: Roman sarcophagi in the provinces. Trier 09.2022