Prof. Dr. Pepa Castillo Pascual

Prof. Dr. Pepa Castillo Pascual

Dpto. Ciencias Humanas, Historia Antigua
Grupo de investigación: Palentología, Arqueología y Antigüedad
Universidad de La Rioja
Edificio Vives – Despacho 414
c/ Luis de Ulloa, 2
E-26004 Logroño (La Rioja)
T. +34 941299315


Pepa Castillo Pascual is Professor for Ancient History at Universidad de la Rioja from 1992. In 1993 she received a doctorate with a thesis on Roman spatial planning from Universität Heidelberg and Universidad de la Rioja. Since then her research has focused on the study of Roman spatial planning and land surveying treatise. Sie was Senior Fellow of the interdisciplinary project Topoi (The Formation and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations) from 2010 to 2019. She is a founder member of Imagines-Project, an international and cross-disciplinary research network focusing on modern receptions of Antiquity in the visual and performing arts. Her subject areas under investigation include Baroque opera, Theatre and comics. She was a member of ANIHO-Project from 2013 to 2019, whose objective was the study the political appropriation of Greco-Roman Antiquity. She has been the main researcher of archaeological research projects in the Ebro Valley, for example in Vareia (Logroño), the Roman villa of Velilla de Aracanta (Agoncillo), the Calagurris Iulia (Calahorra, La Rioja), etc. In recent years, her research has focused on the role played by navigable rivers in territorial planning, mainly in the relationship between rivers and Roman roads. She is currently the main researcher of the project “History of a navigable river landscape: the Ebro River”, granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Toletum XIII – Hispaniens Flusstäler in diachroner Perspektive – Interdependenz von Mensch und Umwelt zwischen Republik und ‚long Late Antiquity‘ (3. Jh. v. – 9. Jh. n. Chr.)