International Symposium at the University of Trier in the framework of the project ‚HAR2017-84907-P Roman sarcophagi in the Iberian Peninsula‘ and in cooperation with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the ‚Netzwerk zur Erforschung der Iberischen Halbinsel in der Antike TOLETUM‘
Time and place
September 15th – September 17th 2022
Universität Trier
Conference Room A 9/10
Main Building A/B
Download: Conditoria provinciarum. Roman sarcophagi in the provinces
Thursday, September 15th 2022
— 9:00-9:15
— 9:45-10:30
Opening conference
Sarcofagi di età romana in contesto: vecchi e nuovi ritrovamenti in Grecia
Margherita Bonanno
— 10:30-11:00
Coffee break
— 11:00-11:25
I sarcofagi del Terra Sancta Museum di Gerusalemme
Fulvia Ciliberto – Daniela Massara
— 11:25-11:50
Das Corpus der Ephesischen Sarkophage. Ein Langzeitprojekt auf der Zielgeraden
Doris Bielefeld
— 11:50-12:15
Attic and local sarcophagi in Roman Macedonia. New evidence from Dion and Kilkis
Eleni Papagianni
— 12:15-14:00
Lunch break
— 14:00-14:25
Roman Sarcophagi in Moesia inferior: shape, material, iconography and context
Cristina-Georgeta Alexandrescu
— 14:25-14:50
Roman sarcophagi in Pannonia. Production centres, products and their Distribution
Bojan Djurić
— 14:50-15:15
Die Verwendung römischer Sarkophage im Gebiet der Treverer
Markus Trunk
— 15:15-15:40
Les sarcophages du Midi de la Gaule, production, matériaux et iconographie
Vassiliki Gaggadis-Robin
— 15:40-16:10
Coffee break
— 16:10-16:35
Sarcofagi di età romana dal territorio veronese
Monica Pagan
— 16:35-17:00
Contributo allo Studio dei sarcofagi dell’Italia meridionale: un repertorio ragionato sulle vecchie e nuove scoperte
Angela Palmentieri
— 17:00-17:25
Jean Pierre Hoüel and the sarcophagi of Sicily in his “Voyage pittoresque”
Raffaella Bucolo
— 17:25-17:50
Il collezionismo di sarcofagi in Gran Bretagna, tra Roma e le province
Beatrice Cacciotti
Friday, September 16th 2022
— 10:00-12:30
Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier – Guided visit to “The Fall of the Roman Empire” Exhibition
— 12:30-14:15
Lunch break
— 14:30-15:00
Main aspects of the polychromy detected on the sarcophagi of Rome. A starting point for future collaborations in the study of Roman sarcophagi in the provinces
Eliana Siotto
— 15:00-15:25
Los sarcófagos del Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya a través de las pátinas
Isabel Moreno
— 15:25-15:50
Roman sarcophagi in the Iberian Peninsula. Methodology and results
Montserrat Claveria
— 15:50-16:20
Coffee break
— 16:20-16:45
Early Christian Sarcophagi from Hispania: current status and future perspectives
Sergio Vidal Álvarez
— 16:45-17:10
Los sarcófagos de Hispania a la luz de los datos epigráficos
Antònia Soler
— 17:10-17:35
La recepción del sarcófago romano en el coleccionismo español
Saray García-Martínez
— 17:40-18:10
Closing conference
La investigación de los sarcófagos en Hispania
Isabel Rodà
Saturday, September 17th 2022
— 10:00-12:30
Visit to the Roman Trier
— 10:00-12:30