Dr. Mateo González Vázquez
Fachbereich III – Alte Geschichte
Universität Trier
Raum DM 114
54286 Trier
— 2021-
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Ancient History, Universität Trier.
— 2015-2019
Graduate Research and Teaching Staff, Department of History, Universitat de Barcelona.
— 2015-2019
Ph.D., Classical Archaeology, Universitat de Barcelona. Chairs: Prof. José Remesal and Dr. Víctor Revilla.
— 2012-2014
M.Phil., Greek and Roman History, Brasenose College, University of Oxford.
— 2012-2014
B.A. Hons., History, Universitat de Barcelona.
National Prize in Arts and Humanities, 1st.
Grants, fellowships and awards
— 2022
Margo Tytus Summer Residency Fellowship, Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati (August 2022).
— 2016-2019
Postgraduate Fellowship, Spanish Ministry of Education, Universitat de Barcelona.
— 2018
Dissertation Research Travel Grant, Spanish Ministry of Education, Brown University.
— 2017
Dissertation Research Travel Grant, Spanish Ministry of Education, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3.
— 2016
Research Training Activities Fund, Generalitat de Catalunya.
— 2016-2019
Postgraduate Fellowship, European Social Fund and the Catalan Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants, Universitat de Barcelona (awarded for 2015-18, declined in 2016).
— 2015
National Award for Excellence in Academic Performance, Spanish Ministry of Education. Awarded for the best undergraduate record in Arts and Humanities in Spain.
— 2014
Temps, Espai i Forma Graduate Essay Award (ex-aequo), Universitat de Barcelona.
— 2013
Special Award of Degree, Universitat de Barcelona. Awarded for the best undergraduate record.
— 2012-2014
Postgraduate Fellowship, Obra Social “la Caixa” Foundation, University of Oxford.
— 2012
Introduction to Research Scholarship, Spanish Ministry of Education, Universitat de Barcelona.
Visiting fellowships
— 2022
Department of Classics, University of Cincinnati (August).
— 2018
The Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World, Brown University (March-July).
— 2017
Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (April-June).
Publications (peer-reviewed)
— forthcoming
Algunos aspectos socioeconómicos acerca del uso del dolium en Hispania Citerior. In: R. Járrega, M. Rueda (eds.). Dolia ex Hispania. Los dolia en las provincias de Hispania en época romana. Estado de la cuestión y perspectivas. Intitut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica: Tarragona.
— forthcoming
Amphorae as a Proxy for Standardized Consumption and Market Integration. In: K. Verboven, E. Mataix (eds.). Legal and Economic Practice in the Roman World. Perspectives on Standardisation and Localism. Palgrave Series ‘Ancient Economies’: London.
— 2023
With Delgado Hervás, A., Rivera-Hernández, A., Marín Muñoz, L.,Ferrer Martín, M. y Calvo Cortés, J.: Paisajes rurales y comunidades locales en el entorno de Emporion: dinámicas de ocupación, uso y gestión del territorio (siglos X-II a.C.). SPAL – Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología 32(1): 77–109.
— 2022
Producción y almacenaje de cereales en el noreste peninsular en época ibérica: algunos aspectos metodológicos y problemas de interpretación. Archivo Español de Arqueología 95: e18.
— 2020
Food Storage among the Iberians of the Late Iron Age Northwest Mediterranean (c. 225-50 BC). Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 32(2):149-172.
— 2018
Conditoria Frugum Occulta. A comparison of subsistence strategies in aboriginal North America and Iron Age Iberia. In SOMA 2015. Time, Space, People. Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, edited by M. Aslan. Oxford: Archaeopress, 27-34.
— submitted
With Lario Devesa, Arnau (submitted): Asentamientos rurales e integración territorial en el noreste de Iberia (siglos II-I a.C.). Lucentum.
Publications (peer-reviewed)
— forthcoming
With Reinard, P., Warnking, P.: TREASURE – Vom Heben eines Schatzes. Archäologie in Deutschland.
— forthcoming
Review of Religious dynamics in Hispania: cult places, identities, and cultural change in a microcontinent, edited by A. Sinner and V. Revilla. Bryn Mawr Classical Review.
— 2022
« Who Were the Peasants of Roman Spain ? » Review of The Archaeology of Peasantry in Roman Spain, edited by J. Bermejo and I. Grau. The Classical Review: 1-3.
— 2022
Projecte quadriennal “Grecs i comunitats locals a l’entorn d’Empúries”: actuacions arqueològiques Durant el bienni 2020-2021 als jaciments de Les Corts, Turó de Vilanera i Muntanya Rodona. In Setzenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, edited by J. Burch et al. Girona: Documenta Universitaria, 86-89.
— 2021
Review of En los márgenes de Roma: la Antigüedad romana en la cultura de masas contemporánea edited by C. Sánchez and L. Unceta. Thersites: Journal of Transcultural Presences & Diachronic Identities from Antiquity to Date 13: 207-212.
— 2020
Alarma social y guerra de la desinformación en la Roma postanibálica (siglo II a.C.): el caso del elogium de Polla (CIL I2 638). In Ex Baetica Romam. Homenaje a José Remesal Rodríguez, edited by V. Revilla, A. Aguilera, L. Pons and M. Garcia. Barcelona: Publicacions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 243-258.
— 2020
Intervencions arqueològiques a la Muntanya Rodona i el Camp dels Pilans (l’Escala, Alt Empordà), 2019. In Quinzenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona, edited by J. Burch et al. Girona: Universitat de Girona, 93-99.
— 2018
English-Spanish Translation of: Tartessos and the Phoenicians in Iberia, by S. Celestino Pérez and C. López-Ruiz (2018). Oxford: Oxford University Press (translation under contract with Ohio State University and Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida).
— 2015
Review of La guerre et ses traces. Conflits et sociétés en Hispanie à l’époque de la conquête romaine (IIIe – Ier s. a.C.) edited by F. Cadiou and M. Navarro. Índice Histórico Español: 1-3.
— 2015
Review of Roma en el Románico. Transformaciones del legado antiguo en el arte medieval. La escultura hispana: Jaca, Compostela y León (1075 – 1150) by J.A. Moráis Morán. Índice Histórico Español: 1-3.
Teaching experience
— 2023
Instructor of Record (with P. Warnking), Mare Nostrum – the Arena of Rome’s Rise to World domination. War and Trade on the Mediterranean from 323 to 31 BC
— 2018
Instructor of Record (with M. Garcia), History and Memory: Schools, Theories, and Interpretations
— 2018
Instructor of Record (with J. Ibarz), Ancient Historiography
— 2017
Instructor of Record (with L. Pons), Latin Epigraphy and Numismatics
— 2016
Instructor of Record (with M. Garcia), History and Memory: Schools, Theories, and Interpretations
— 2016
Instructor of Record (with L. Pons), Latin Epigraphy and Numismatics
— 2016
Instructor of Record (with J. Ibarz), Ancient Historiography
Guest teaching
— 2021
Guest Lecturer, Universitat de Barcelona. Caminant per Hispània
— 2020
Guest Lecturer, Universitat de Barcelona. Caminant per Hispània
— 2018
Guest Lecturer, Brown University. Under Pompeii’s ashes: Contesting Roman identities
— 2016, 17
Guest Lecturer, Universitat de Barcelona. History of the Roman Empire
Active fieldwork
— 2020-
Excavation and survey at Muntanya Rodona-Vilanera-Les Corts (Catalonia, Spain): Co-director with Ana Delgado Hervás
Completed fieldwork
— 2019
Excavations at Nuraghe S’Urachi (Sardinia, Italy): Directed by P. Van Dommelen and A. Stiglitz, Field assistant
— 2011-2017
Excavations at Monte Testaccio (Rome, Italy): Ceramics processing and analysis
— 2011-2016
Excavations at El Camp de les Lloses (Catalonia, Spain): Field assistant (2011-14) and Trench Supervisor (2015-16)
— 2012
Excavations at Emporion/Ampurias (Catalonia, Spain): Field assistant
— 2011
Excavations at Valdeherrera (Aragón, Spain): Field assistant
— 2009-2011
Excavations at La Ferradura (Catalonia, Spain): Field assistant
— 2010
Excavations at Sebes (Catalonia, Spain): Field assistant
— 2010
Excavations at Numantia (Soria, Spain): Field assistant
— 2010
Electromagnetic Survey at La Palma (Catalonia, Spain): Pedestrian surveyor
— 2010
Excavations at Monteró (Catalonia, Spain): Field assistant
— 2009
Excavations at Sant Jaume (Catalonia, Spain): Field assistant
— 2009
Excavations at Sant Esteve d’Olius and Castellvell (Catalonia, Spain): Field assistant
Participation in Research projects
— 2022-2025
Paisatges de contacte i comunitats rurals a l’entorn d’Empúries (ss. VIII a.C.) (co-PI with A. Delgado), supported by the Departament de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
— 2022-2023
TreASurE – Treveris Amphorae Survey and the Local Economy (co-PI with P. Reinard and P. Warnking), supported by the Universität Trier.
— 2021-
Maritime Verbindungen und ihr Einfluss auf den antiken Seehandel – Nautische Simulationen als Grundlage historischer Forschungen, led by Christoph Schäfer (Universität Trier; involved as postdoctoral researcher), supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
— 2019-2022
Dietas, formas de consumo y movilidad en zonas de contacto, led by A. Delgado (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona; involved as principal collaborator), supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
— 2018-2021
Griegos y Comunidades locales en el entorno de Empúries, led by A. Delgado (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona; involved as principal collaborator), supported by the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia.
— 2015-2019
Relaciones interprovinciales en el Imperio Romano. Producción y comercio de alimentos hispanos (provincias Baetica y Tarraconensis), led by V. Revilla (Universitat de Barcelona; involved as principal collaborator), supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education.
— 2014-2019
Production and Distribution of Food during the Roman Empire: Economic and Political Dynamics, led by J. Remesal (Universitat de Barcelona; involved as research assistant), supported by the European Research Council.
— 2012
Corpus des Timbres Amphoriques, led by J. Remesal (Universitat de Barcelona; involved as research assistant), supported by the Union Académique Internationale.
Organized and chaired symposia
— 2022
In Response: Exploring Provincial Identities Under Rome’s Globalising Empire (with A. Lario). Session at Roman Archaeology Conference, Split, Croatia, April 16-18 (£200 bursary awarded by The Roman Society).
— 2022
Hybrid Economic Practices in the Roman World (with J. Pérez). Session at Roman Archaeology Conference, Split, Croatia, April 16-18 (£200 bursary awarded by The Roman Society).
— 2018
Open Science and the Humanities Conference (call for posters coorganized with J. Pérez and J. Rodríguez), Barcelona, June 21.
Papers and presentations
— 2023
TreAsurE – Treveris Amphorae Survey and the local Economy (with P. Reinard and P. Warnking). Probleme des römischen Westens, Universität Trier, November 14.
— 2023
Viticultura y diplomacia. El edicto de Domiciano y su impacto en la economía de Hispania. Toletum XIV: Espacios para el diálogo. La diplomacia hispana entre la República y al-Andalus (ss. III a.C. – IX d.C.), Universität Hamburg, October 19-21.
— 2023
Amphorae as a Proxy for Standardized Consumption and Market Integration: A Case Study from the Roman Province of Upper Germania. Standardisation and Localism in the Legal and Economic world of the Romans, Brussels and Ghent, June 8-10.
— 2023
Uncovering the Past and Present of Mediterranean Rural Landscapes: A View from Spain (with A. Delgado). State of the Field 2023: Archaeologies of the Mediterranean, Brown University, April 7.
— 2022
Algunos aspectos socioeconómicos acerca del uso del dolium en Hispania Citerior. Dolia ex Hispania. Los dolia en las provincias de Hispania en época romana. Estado de la cuestión y perspectivas, ICAC (Tarragona), September 7-9.
— 2022
Indigenous Technology and the Power of Economic Rationality: A View from Early Roman Iberia. Kolloquium Probleme des römischen Westens, Universität Trier, May 31.
— 2022
Rural integration and ethnic identity in early Roman Iberia, c. 150-50 BCE (with A. Lario). Roman Archaeology Conference, Split, Croatia, April 5-9.
— 2021
“¿Granero del Empordà? Producción y almacenamiento de cereales en el noreste peninsular en época tardoibérica (siglos III-I a.C.)”. Conquista y colonización del Occidente romano: producción y dinámicas sociales. Universitat de Girona, Girona, October 19.
— 2019
Visualizing consumption: food distribution networks and pottery production (with J. Pérez). University of Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems Day 2019, November 14.
— 2018
Imperial stories and empirical evidence: the ensilage rationnel des grains and the archaeology of pit storage. 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Barcelona, September 5-8.
— 2018
The Iberian rural economy in the face of early Roman expansion (from the 3rd to the 1st centuries BCE). 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Bonn/Cologne, Germany, May 22-26.
— 2017
A Cross-Cultural Approach to the Ancient Economy: Storage as an Economic Process. University of Cambridge Graduate Interdisciplinary Seminars, Cambridge, May 12.
— 2016
Refuge in a Hole: the spread of siroi in northeastern Iberia (2nd century BCE). Refuge and Refugees in the Ancient World Conference, Columbia University, November 11-12.
— 2016
The Impact of the Empire on the Rural Landscape. 4th Landscape Archaeology Conference, Uppsala University, Sweden, August 23-25.
— 2016
Storage pits in NE Iberia, from hilltop oppida to the Roman domination (ca. 225 BCE to AD 50). Postgraduate Work-in-progress Seminar Series, Institute of Classical Studies, London, February 5.
— 2015
Conditoria Frugum Occulta. A comparison of subsistence strategies in aboriginal North America and Iron Age Iberia. 19th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Antalya, Turkey, November 12-14.
— 2015
Almacenar en tiempos revueltos. El acopio de cereales en la Iberia romanorrepublicana. I Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Arqueología Clásica, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, October 22-24.
— 2015
Silo fields in North-East Iberia in the context of the Second Punic War and the Catonian repression (ca. 225-175 bc): a response to risk and uncertainty. 25th Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, University of Leicester, March 27-29 (£50 bursary awarded by The Roman Society).
— 2014
Underground grain storage: an effective defence against bacteria and hostile men. Graduate Archaeology at Oxford Conference, University of Oxford, March 14-15.
Departmental and outreach talks
— 2017
Sociedad, poder y alimentación en el Mediterráneo noroccidental (siglos II-I a.C.). VII Jornades doctorals Societat i Cultura, Universitat de Barcelona, May 22-25.
— 2016
The Quiet Violence of Roman Imperialism. Oxford University Society-Barcelona, November 30.
— 2016
The Archaeology of Roman Imperialism: A Bottom-Up Approach. VI Jornades doctorals Societat i Cultura, Universitat de Barcelona, May 18-20.
— 2015
Almacenar en tiempos revueltos. El acopio de cereales en la Iberia romanorrepublicana, siglos III-I aC. V Jornades doctorals Societat i Cultura, Universitat de Barcelona, May 20-22.
Professional memberships
• Transmare Institut, Universität Trier.
• Society for Classical Studies.
• European Association of Archaeologists.
• Grup de Recerca d’Arqueologia Mediterrània: Connexions, Materialitats i
Escriptura (GRACME).
• Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigüedad
Clásica (CEIPAC).