Dr. José Carlos López Gómez
Universidad de Málaga
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Campus de Teatinos, s/n
E-29071 Málaga
Education & Training
— 10/2015-01/2020
PhD in Humanities. University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). Title of dissertation: “El desvanecimiento del politeísmo romano en Hispania: transformaciones religiosas en el siglo III” (“The Decline of Roman Polytheism in Hispania: religious transformations during the 3rd Century”). Supervisor: Prof. Jaime Alvar Ezquerra. Oral defence: 17 January 2020. Qualification: Excellent with a distinction cum Laude and International Mention (Mención Internacional).
— 09/2014-07/2015
MA in Research in Humanities. University of Castilla-La Mancha (July 2015). MA thesis on “Religión romana en la antigua Carpetania” (“Ancient Religion in Roman Carpetania”). Qualification: 9,5/10.
— 01/2013-07/2013
Internship at the Department of Education and Cultural Action in the Archaeological Provincial Museum of Ciudad Real (Spain).
— 09/2010-07/2014
BA in History from the University of Castilla La Mancha (July 2014). Evaluation: 9,1/10.
Participation in research contracts
— 04/2022-03/2024
Postdoctoral position “Juan de la Cierva” at University of Málaga (Spain). Research group: DINORAMA.
— 03/2020-10/2020
Supporting researcher in the project Lived Ancient Religion in North Africa (LARNA) at the University Carlos III of Madrid.
— 10/2015-09/2019
Pre-doctoral position at the University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). Research group: Historiography and History of Religions.
Funding / Grants
— 04/2022-03/2024
Postdoctoral scholarship “Juan de la Cierva” at the University of Málaga, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture.
— 04/2021-03/2022
Postdoctoral Junior-Fellowship research grant at the RomanIslam Center (Hamburg).
— 06/2020-07/2020
Postdoctoral research grant at the University of Toulouse (France), funded by the MAP (Mapping Ancient Religion).
— 03/2020-04/2020
Postdoctoral research grant at the Fondation Hardt (Switzerland).
— 10/2015-09/2019
PhD scholarship “FPU” at the University Carlos III de Madrid, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture.
— 04/2018-07/2018
Predoctoral research grant at the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Rome, funded by University Carlos III of Madrid.
— 05/2017-07/2017
Predoctoral research grant at the Institute of Classical Studies (UK) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture.
— 01/2014-07/2014
Library Fellowship at the Research Institute in Hunting Resources, funded by the University of Castilla-La Mancha.
— 01/2013-06/2013
Fellowship for Young Researchers funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture to the project “Convivence and acculturation during the Hellenistic period”. University of Castilla-La Mancha.
Memberships / Participation in Financed Projects
— 09/2021-08/2025
University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). Project “RICO (Religion: The Individual & The Communitas)”. Lead researcher: Jaime Alvar Ezquerra. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-117176GB-I00). Participation as a member of the team.
— 09/2021-08/2025
University of Málaga (Spain). Project “RHITA: Religión rural en la Hispania tardoantigua (ss. IV- VII)” Lead researchers: Clelia Martínez Maza and Antón Alvar Nuño. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-117597GB-100). Participation as a member of the team.
— 04/2021-03/2022
University of Hamburg. Project “Romanization and Islamication in Late Antiquity – Transcultural Processes on the Iberian Peninsula and in North Africa”. Lead researchers: Sabine Panzram and Stefan Heidemann. Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (FOR 2924). Participation as a postdoctoral fellow.
— 10/2020-03/2022
University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). Project “Lived Ancient Religion in North Africa (LARNA)”. Lead researcher: Valentino Gasparini. Funded by the Autonomous Community of Madrid (2017-T1/HUM-5709). Participation as a supporting researcher.
— 01/2020-12/2022
University of Málaga (Spain). Project “La Tardoantigüedad líquida. Los límites de la acción individual en las opciones religiosas de Occidente (ss. III-VI d.C.)”. Lead researcher: Clelia Martínez Maza. Funded by the Autonomous Community of Andalucía (P18-FR-1319). Participation as a member of the team.
— 01/2020-12/2022
University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). Project: Aglaya „Estrategias de Innovación en Mitocrítica Cultural“. Lead researchers: José Manuel Losada Goya; Antonio Alvar Ezquerra; Enrique Santos Marinas; Amelia Meléndez Táboas, José María Zamora Calvo; Montserrat López Mújica; Jaime Alvar Ezquerra; Pablo López Raso; Eva Aladro Vico; Susanne Margret Cadera; Esther Sánchez-Pardo González; Paloma Ortiz de Urbina Sobrino; Asunción López-Varela Azcárate. Funded by the Community of Madrid (H2019/HUM5714). Participation as a member of the team.
— 01/2018-01/2021
University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). Project: “Epítetos divinos: experiencia religiosa y relaciones de poder en Hispania (EPIDI)”. Lead researcher: Jaime Alvar Ezquerra. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance (HAR2017-84789-C2-2-P). Participation as a member of the team.
— 01/2015-12/2018
University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). Project: “ORINS (Oriental Religions in Spain)”. Lead researcher: Jaime Alvar Ezquerra. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance (HAR2014-5231-P). Participation as a member of the team.
— 2021
López Gómez, J.C., El ocaso de los dioses en Hispania: transformaciones religiosas en el siglo III, Madrid, CSIC, 2021 (Anejos del Archivo Español de Arqueología XCII)
Journal Articles / Chapters in Edited Volumes
— forthcoming
Alvar, J. and López Gómez, J.C., “The First Slump Slump in Temple Building in Roman Hispania”. Peer-reviewed conference proceedings (Sanctuaries and Experience. Knowledge, Practice and Space in Ancient World).
— 2022
Gasparini, V. and López-Gómez, J.C., “Muros, turres, portas faciendas coeravit. Remarks on the chronology of the foundation of Barcino”. SPAL 31.1 (2022), 320-344.
— 2021
López Gómez, J. C. “Dioses en la ciudad, dioses en el campo. Epítetos divinos en el litoral mediterráneo de la Tarraconense”, ARYS 19 (2021), pp. 209-237.
— 2021
López-Gómez, J.C. “Gilbert-Charles Picard (1913-1998) and the Religions de l’Afrique Antique”, Revista de Historiografía 36 (2021), pp. 265-288.
— forthcoming (2021)
López Gómez, J.C. and Alvar, J. “Hacia un cambio de paradigma: manifestaciones religiosas en la Hispania del siglo III”, Hispania Sacra, 73 (147), Forthcoming.
— 2020
López Gómez, J.C., “El paisaje religioso de Pax Iulia (Beja) durante el Alto Imperio romano”, Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne, 46/2, 2020, 253-275.
— 2019
Alvar, J., López Gómez, J.C. and Pañeda, B., “La vulva de Atis”, ARYS, 17, 2019, 191-226.
— 2019
López Gómez, J.C., “Manifestaciones religiosas de los cultores de los dii selecti en Carpetania romana”, Revista de Historiografía, 28, 2018, 241-257.
— 2018
S. Agusta-Boularot, S. Huber & W. Van Andringa (Dirs.), Quand naissent les dieux. Fondation des sanctuaires antiques : motivations, agents, lieux. Collection de l’École Française de Rome 534, Roma: École Française d’Rome, 2017, 436, in «ARYS », 16, 2018, pp. 480-488.
— 2018
Mirella Romero Recio y Mª Jesús Colmenero (Eds.), Historiografía digital. Proyectos para almacenar y construir la historia. Anejos de la Revista de Historiografía, nº 4, Madrid, 2016, in «Dialogues d’Histoire Ancienne », 44/1, 2018, pp. 334-338.
Editorial Positions
— From 01/2022
Scientific secretary of Revista de Historiografía, peer-reviewed journal published by the Institute of Historiography Julio Caro Baroja (University Carlos III of Madrid). Editorial: Dykinson. Directors: Jaime Alvar Ezquerra and Mirella Romero Recio.
Contributions and Invited Lectures
— 06/2021
University of Málaga (Spain). Calling upon Gods, Offering Bodies. Strategies of Human-Divine Communication in the Roman Empire from Individual Experience to Social Reproduction Epithets of power in Hispania. Contribution with J. Alvar: “Epithets of power in Hispania”
— 12/2020
XVIII Congreso Internacional ARYS, Religión Antigua en asentamientos rurales. Contribution: “Dioses en la ciudad, dioses en el campo. Secuencias onomásticas divinas en el litoral mediterráneo de la Tarraconensis”
— 04/2019
University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). I Jornadas “Los oficios del Historiador: ser investigador”. Invited Lecture: “La investigación predoctoral. Requisitos, condicionantes, trayectorias y ocupaciones laborales de los investigadores en formación”.
— 04/2019
University of Kent (UK). 29th Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (TRAC). Contribution: “Religious Transformations in Hispania and North Africa during Late Antiquity: A comparative study”.
— 04/2019
Institute of Classical Studies. London (UK). Sanctuaries and Experience. Knowledge, Practice and Space in Ancient World. Invited Lecture with J. Alvar: “The First Decline in Temple Building in Roman Hispania”.
— 04/2019
University Complutense of Madrid (Spain). I Workshop Internacional de Epigrafía. Los muros parlantes: inscripciones edilicias en la Península Ibérica y el Mediterráneo. Contribution with V. Gasparini: “Muros, turres, portas facienda coeravit. Notas sobre la cronología de la fundación de Barcino”.
— 12/2018
ARYS Association (Jarandilla de la Vera, Spain). Vestir divinamente. Deidades y cultores arropados o desnudos. XVII Coloquio Internacional ARYS. Contribution with J. Alvar and B. Pañeda : “La vulva de Atis”.
— 03/2018
Casa de Velázquez (Madrid, Spain). La implantación de nuevos fenómenos religiosos en la Península Ibérica (siglos III-XI). Invited Lecture with J. Alvar “Hacia un cambio de paradigma: manifestaciones religiosas en la Hispania del siglo III”.
— 07/2017
Asociación Alhambra Tierra Roja (Alhambra, Spain). IV Jornadas Ibero-romanas laminitanas. Invited Lecture “Por la gracia de los dioses: cultos y religión romana en Laminium”.
— 05/2016
Universidad del País Vasco (Vitoria, Spain). Imágenes de Poder: mujeres excepcionales en Roma. Contribution with B. Pañeda: “A propósito de la “Agency” femenina en los cultos tradicionales romanos y los cultos mistéricos en Hispania”.
— 02/2016
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain). Los cultores en Hispania. Invited Lecture: “Cultores de los Dii Selecti en Carpetania romana”.
— 12/2015
Universitè de Gèneve (Suiza). Du «paganisme» au «christianisme»: choc des civilisations ou transition pacifique? Regards croisés entre archéologie et histoire des religions. Contribution: “Cases of dramatic destruction of religious sculpture in Late Antique Provincia Carthaginensis (Hispania)”.
— 02/2014
University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Vino y banquete en la Antigüedad: II Jornadas de Mediterráneo Antiguo. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Contribution with J.I. Martín-Viveros: “El papel de la mujer en el simposio etrusco y su visión por los griegos”.
— 04/2013
University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). I Jornadas de estudios del Mediterráneo Antiguo. Contribution: “Horus, Osiris y Seth: ¿Mito o realidad?”.
Organisation of Conferences and Panels
— 20-22/04/2022
Málaga, University of Málaga (Spain). “XLIII Congreso Internacional del G.I.R.E.A.” Member of the organising committee.
— 01-03/06/2020
Jarandilla de la Vera (Spain). “XVII Congreso Internacional ARYS: Religión antigua en asentamientos rurales”. Coordination team member. Postponed due to restrictions caused by COVID-19.
— 13-14/12/2018
Jarandilla de la Vera (Spain). “Vestir divinamente. XVI Congreso Internacional ARYS”. Coordination team member.
— 16-18/11/2017
Madrid, University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). “SENSORIUM: Sensory Perceptions in Roman Polytheism”. Member of the organising committee.
— 06-07/10/2016
Madrid, University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). “XXXIX Congreso Internacional del G.I.R.E.A.”. Secretary.
— 11-13/11/2015
Madrid, University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain). “El Almacén de la Historia (1700-1939)”. Member of the organising committee.
Archaeological Fieldwork
— 08/2015
Archaeological fieldwork in the excavation works undertaken at the medieval site of San Calocero di Albenga (Italia).
— 07/2015
Course in archaeological fieldwork at the prehistoric site of “Cueva Pintada” (Gáldar, Gran Canaria, Spain).
— 07/2014
Course in archaeological fieldwork at the medieval castle of Alarcos (Ciudad Real, Spain). 25 hours.
— 07/2014
Course in drawing and studying medieval pottery at the archaeological site of Alarcos. 25 hours.
— 07/2014
Course in archaeological fieldwork at the medieval castle of “la Estrella” (Montiel, Spain). 25 hours.
— 07/2014
Course in drawing and studying medieval pottery from the archaeological site of Montiel. 25 hours.
— 08/2013
Archaeological fieldwork in the excavation works undertaken at the Celtiberian city of Numancia (Soria, Spain).
— 07/2013
Course in archaeological fieldwork at the roman city of Empùries (Ampurias, Gerona, Spain) 120 hours.
— 08/2012
Course in archaeological fieldwork at the Celtiberian city of Segeda (Zaragoza, Spain). 40 hours.
— 07/2012
Archaeological fieldwork in the excavation works undertaken at the Celtiberian city of Numancia (Soria, Spain).
— 07/2011
Course in archaeological fieldwork at the roman city of Iesso (Guissona, Spain). 80 hours.