XVI taller doctoral de arqueología antigua. De la introducción por parte de los organizadores: «How have war and, more broadly, conflict transformed landscapes, societies and communities? To answer this question, history first turned to ancient texts, then to places of armed interaction (battlefields, camps, etc.), but this approach has often led to a narrowing of the field of investigation to the conflicts that have been recounted and whose accounts, from the pen of the victors, have come down to us. By focusing on archaeology and material culture, we can explore lesser-known situations of conflict or conflictuality, and examine the impact on landscapes, societies and bodies in a different way. Over the last twenty years, archaeological research has focused on landscapes and territories whose morphology and modes of occupation have been profoundly altered by war. The impact is not confined to the front lines: how can regions, villages and provincial capitals be altered by war, and how can these transformations be detected by archaeology? (..) The aim of this workshop is to encourage young researchers in archaeology, ancient history, art history and philology to examine the multiple impacts of wars in the Roman West from the 5th century BC to the 5th century AD. The aim is to create a fertile space for international debate, and to encourage students to question their fields and methods of research, as well as practicing presenting their subject in a reflective and accessible way.»
Como mentores participarán
– Patrice Faure, Université Jean Moulin Lyon III (HISOMA)
– Dominik Maschek, Leibnitz – Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA) Mainz
– Ángel Morillo Cerdán, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
– Feliciana Sala Selles, Universidad de Alicante
Organisación: Gwladys Bernard, École des Hautes Études Hispaniques et Ibériques – Casa de Velázquez Madrid / Paul Scheding, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Madrid
del 29 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2024
Lugares: Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, c/Serrano 159, 28002 Madrid; Casa de Velázquez, Ciudad Universitaria, c/Paul Guinard 3, 28040 Madrid
Los candidatos tendrán de plazo para inscribirse hasta el 20 de abril de 2024 (medianoche) online, ¡OJO!!