Coloquio internacional del Departamento de Historia Antigua de la Universität Hamburg en colaboración con Toletum
Hora y lugar
24 de junio de 2021 de 17:00 a 19:45 horas, el 25 de junio de 2021 de 10:30 a 19:15 horas y el 26 de junio de 2021 de 9:30 a 12:30 horas, en línea
Descargar el folleto: Bishops under Threat. Hamburg, 06.2021
Informe por parte de Dominik Kloss y Sabine Panzram:
H-Soz-u-Kult / Bollettino di Studi Latini 51 (2021)
Jueves, 24.06.2021
– 17:00-17:15 horas
Sabine Panzram (Historia Antigua, Universität Hamburg) – Pablo Poveda Arias (Historia Antigua, Universität Hamburg)
– 17:15-17:45 horas
Suffering Bishop and the Priests of Satan. Clerical Violence and Its Image in Late Antique Literature
Robert Wiśniewski (Historia Antigua, Uniwersytet Warsawski)
– 17:45-18:00 horas
Pausa de café
Perspectivas regionales
Presidencia: Francesca Tinti (Historia Medieval, Universidad del País Vasco Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea – Ikerbasque)
– 18:00-18:30 horas
The Only Peninsular Voices of Byzantine Spania
Margarita Vallejo Girvés (Historia Antigua, Universidad de Alcalá)
– 18:30-19:00 horas
The Tenth-Century Castilian Church: The Large Gap between Ideal and Reality
Julio Escalona (Historia Medieval, Instituto de Historia – Consejo Superior de Inverstigaciones Científicas Madrid)
– 19:00-19:30 horas
Suspicious Minds: «Court Bishops» and Bishops without Seat in Agilolfinfian Bavaria
Katharina Winkler (Historia Medieval, Institut für Mittelalterforschung – Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften)
Viernes, 25.06.2021
– 10:00-10:30 horas
Threatened Bishops in Southern Italy between the Eight and Eleventh Centuries
Amalia Galdi (Historia Medieval, Università degli Studi di Salerno)
– 10:30-11:00 horas
Episcopal Authority and Diocesan Structure in England c. 650-1066
Katy Cubitt (Historia Medieval, University of East Anglia)
– 11:00-11:30 horas
Pausa de café
Perspectivas locales e individuales
Presidencia: Pablo Poveda Arias (Historia Antigua, Universität Hamburg)
– 11:30-12:00 horas
The World of Yesterday. Space and Politics in the Life of Germanus of Auxerre
David Natal (Historia Antigua, University of London)
– 12:00-12:30 horas
Dumio-Braga. A functional Duality, a Legal Anomaly
Pablo C. Díaz (Historia Antigua, Universidad de Salamanca)
– 12:30-13:00 horas
The Bishop and the King in the Vita Sancti Ildefonsi
Thomas Deswarte (Historia Medieval, Université d’Angers)
– 13:00-16:00 horas
Obispos y política
Presidencia: Hans-Werner Goetz (Historia Medieval, Universität Hamburg)
– 16:00-16:30 horas
Victims, Actors or Spectators? The Bishops of the Merovingian Kingdom during the Civil War of 575-613
Bruno Dumézil (Historia Medieval, Sorbonne Paris)
– 16:30-17:00 horas
Sailing to Byzantium: Sixth Century Popes under Threat in Constantinople
Marco Cristini (Filología Clásica, Scuola Normale di Pisa)
– 17:00-17:30 horas
Pausa de café
– 17:30-18:00 horas
Deposition as Weapon against Bishops in the Carolingian Empire
Philippe Depreux (Historia Medieval, Universität Hamburg)
Amenazas y estrategias individualizadas
Presidencia: Sabine Panzram (Historia Antigua, Universität Hamburg)
– 18:00-18:30 horas
Episcopal Responses to War and Warfare in Late Antiquity
Kristina Sessa (Historia Antigua y Medieval, The Ohio State University)
– 18:30-19:00 horas
Metropolitan Bishops under Threat in Fifth-Century Gaul
Pablo Poveda Arias (Historia Antigua, Universität Hamburg)
Sábado, 26.06.2021
– 9:30-10:00 horas
Italy’s Late Antique Bishops in Exlie: The Epigraphic Point of View
Isabelle Mossong (Historia Antigua, Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts München)
– 10:00-10:30 horas
Bishops under Pressure: Priests and episcopal Authority in Carolingian Francia
Charles Mériaux (Historia Medieval, Université de Lille)
– 10:30-11:00 horas
The Role of Relics in Contexts of Episcopal Adversity in Carolingian Italy (8th-9th Centuries)
Francesco Veronese (Historia Medieval, Università degli Studi di Padova)
– 11:00-11:30 horas
Pausa de café
– 11:30-12:00 horas
The Ordinary Life of the Bishop in Visigothic Spain. Concluding Remarks
Javier Arce (Historia Antigua, Université de Lille)