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Intensive Summer Course, Córdoba 07/2022 – Romanization and Islamization in the Western Mediterranean

De la introducción por parte de los organizadores: «The image above speaks for itself: in the background, built as the Friday Mosque of Cordoba, an extraordinary example of medieval Arab architecture and a popular tourist
destination, which is at the same time the embodiment of the civilization of al-Andalus itself; in the foreground, the Roman bridge crossing the Guadalquivir since 2000 years reminds that Cordoba was the capital of one of the richest provinces of the Roman Empire. This IV Intensive Summer Course held in a mixed modality (on-line and in-person at Casa Árabe Cordoba) will introduce English speakers to the fascinating history of two empires: the Roman and the Islamic one. Specialists from different academic institutions will guide a select group of students in a series of seminar-style intensive classes throughout a week-long course.
This year, the course will focus on the processes of Romanization and Islamization that led to the formation of the Western Mediterranean first as a Roman and later on as an Islamic society. Together we will explore issues related to the sources at our disposal to reconstruct such processes (including literary sources and archaeological evidence) as
well as the debates regarding their interpretation.«

Con ponencias (entre otras) de
Francisco Beltrán Lloris (Universidad de Zaragoza), Latinization and Romanization in the Western Mediterranean: an epigraphical perspective
Richard Hingley (Durham University), Alternative approaches to identity and culture change in the Roman West
Pieter Houten (Universität Hamburg), Do we need a city? Romanization in non-urbanized regions of the Roman West
Alejandro García Sanjuán (Universidad de Huelva), The origins of al-Andalus: sources and scholarly debate
Rafael Blanco Guzman (Universidad de Córdoba), Archaeological Workshop: The urban process of Islamization in Córdoba
Maribel Fierro (CSIC Madrid), Can Islamization take place without religious scholars? The case of al-Andalus

del 18 al 22 de julio de 2022

Organisación: Casa Árabe; Sabine Panzram (Universität Hamburg – RomanIslam. Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies) Alejandro García Sanjuán (Universidad de Huelva)
Lugar: Casa Árabe Córdoba, c/ Samuel de los Santos Gener, 9; 14003 Córdoba

¡OJO!! Las solicitudes se deben enviar hasta el 25 de junio de 2022.  Para más información …curso-de-verano-romanization-and-islamization… o Romanization and Islamization 07.2022