De la introducción por parte de los organizadores: «(…) This conference will try to define a theoretical approach for the transition of sacred spaces in the Iberian Peninsula between the 4th and 10th century, complemented by illustrative case studies in this area. Tradionally scholars analyze these problems considering Spain and Portugal from the point of view of currently politcal frontiers, forgetting the cartography of Roman provincial division inherited from Antiquity and slightly transformed in the Visigoth period; and the new Islamic order after the conquest. In this sense we put forward a comparative framework of analysis in both countries in order to avoid distorsions and to highlight the common past of both countries. (…).»
Los siguientes secciones están previstos:
– Defining the concept of Holy in both, pagan-graeco-roman and monotheistic religions: Christian and Islamic religious and legal tradition. How were these sacred spaced defined?
– How were these spaces created, used, recognized and transformed?
– Analyzing the social and political role of sacred spaces in the Iberian Peninsula. How these transitions have been interpreted by historiography?
– Construction of sacred landscapes in Christianity and Islam. Transition from pagan to Christianity and from Christianity to Islam.
– Synchronic process of transition to Christianity in the north of the Iberian Peninsula and transition to Islam in the south in the same area in 9th and 10th centuries.
– Buildings and rituals, liturgy: consacratio, resecratio.
– Political change, new legal order and the ancient worship and sacred places.
del 29 al 31 de octubre de 2018
Organisación: Gonzalo Escudero (UCM), Carmen Gonzalez Gago (UCM), Sonsoles Costero (UAM), Ana de Francisco (UCM), Marina Díaz (UCM), Alejandro Pinel (UCM, CSIC), María Fernández (UC3M), Marco Alviz (UNED), Alvaro Lorenzo (UCM), Ana Escribano (UCM), Angel Fuentes (UCM)
Lugar: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geografía e Historia; c/ Profesor Aranguren s/n; 28040 Madrid
¡OJO! La fecha límite de admisión de solicitudes es el día 1 de septiembre de 2018; hay que mandarlas a:
Más información: Sacred Spaces, Madrid 10.2018