Aus dem Ankündigungstext der Veranstalter: “(…) The ANS collection of Visigothic coins is the largest in the world, comprised of over 900 imitative, pseudo-imperial and Visigothic gold pieces. It includes specimens of all the major kings of the early medieval kingdom and one usurper (Iudila) and represents a great number of the nearly one hundred mint sites in Iberia. A couple hundred of the coins can be traced back to nineteenth-century collectors such as Rafael Cervera and Luiz José Ferreira, and many of Cervera’s coins can be traced to the seventh-century hoard of La Capilla, near Seville.
In this colloquium, we will engage a range of artifacts and research methods over the course of a keynote, plenary seminars, and a numismatic workshop. The keynote will prompt questions and encourage debate about methodological and historiographical issues related to the research and history of early medieval coins from around the Mediterranean. The rest of the colloquium will be divided according to complementing topics: the Visigothic coin collection and the historical, archaeological, archival and other issues involved in interpreting, narrating, uncovering and preserving the collection; issues of economy,
circulation and identity in the Iberian Peninsula during the Visigothic period; and, the wider early medieval economy of the Mediterranean. (…).“
Mit Seminaren (u.a.) von:
– Visigothic coins: Andrew Kurt (Clayton State University), Ruth Pliego (Universidad de Sevilla)
– Iberian Economy 1: Paolo Tedesco (Universität Tübingen). Respondent Michael J. Kelly (Binghamton University, SUNY)
– Iberian Economy 2: Javier Martínez Jiménez (Oxford University). Respondent Jamie Wood (Lincoln University)
– Wider History & Economy: Paulo Pachá (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro). Respondent: Sabrina Orlowski (Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
26. bis 27. September 2019
Organisation: Michael J. Kelly (Binghamton University, SUNY), Andrew Kurt (Clayton State University)
Veranstaltungsort: American Numismatic Society (New York City), Borough of Manhattan Community College
Weitere Informationen unter: …visigothiccoins.org/program/