International Congress of Maritime Museums. Celebrating our Maritime Heritage: Making Maritime Culture Relevant
Der internationale Kongress über Schifffahrtsmuseen findet dieses Jahr in Cascais (Portugal) statt, und zwar mit Sektionen zu
1: The Meaning of Maritime Heritage Today
2: The Navy as a Maritime Heritage Partner
3: Re-Inventing for Relevance
Innerhalb der ersten Sektion wird es auch eine Sektion zur Unterwasserarchäologie geben; aus dem Ankündigungstext der Veranstalter: „One of the most spectacular aspects of our maritime heritage is underwater archaeology. The discovery and investigation of shipwrecks gets constant media attention and visitors flock to exhibitions on the theme, as witnessed by the many displays of different aspects of the Titanic in 2012. In that sense, focusing on shipwrecks and their story ought to be a good route to take for a museum that wants to boost visitor numbers, media visibility and contemporary relevancy. But underwater archaeology is also a highly contested cultural and scientific field, where various ethical and legal aspects as well as preservation issues constitute challenges.”
8. bis 15. September 2013
Organisation: Rear Admiral António Bossa Dionísio (Museu do Mar–Rei D. Carlos), António de Carvalho (Município de Cascais, Representative & National Museum of Archaeology), Maria Fernanda Costa (Museu do Mar–Rei D. Carlos), Catarina Santos Serpa (Município de Cascais, Division for Cultural and Heritage), Linda Pereira (L&I Communications Group and CPL Events)
Veranstaltungsort u.a. Museu do Mar–Rei D. Carlos, Rua Júlio Pereira de Mello, P-2750-407 Cascais, detaillierte Informationen siehe unter icmmcascais2013
Programm: ICMM Cascais 09.2013 (pdf)